Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No training this week. Most of the seniors are scare as they think they will forget all the things they had learnt and their fitness level. The only thing to do is to do your own fitness.

The nationals are in 5 more days. Here's something to motivate you all.
( Seniors may know this as Mr Loh had given this to us last year )

Anything Is Possible
By Melissa Underwood

Anything is possible if you think it is worthwhile
If you're willing to go the distance, to go the extra mile.
With determination and effort, you can often achieve more.
Because you dont always get what you wish, but what you work for.
Dreams can become challenging, but no matter what the cost
Strive to complete the task before you, and you'll never end up lost.
So bring with you your goals, leave your doubts behind
Whether you think you cant or can't, you certainly will find
You'll be right either way - So never quit, and this is why:
You'll bever become a failure, until you fail to try.

All the best!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well, since the netball blog is dead, according to some players, i'll make it alive then.
The Nationals are starting in about exactly 10 days. So, go for your jogs or anything that will help you in netball. Shooters must really do shooting in their own free time. Mr Nizam is checking on our matches, so, we'll have to wait.
I know most of the seniors are busy with their DSA and all that. But, please, study. Some of are weak in certain subjects. i know Math is a killer. Try to find some time with your teachers and ask them bout certain questions. And, Keep in contact when we leave Saint Hildas.
We are a family.

Jia You. First match when school reopens on 28 June. Trainings have yet to be confirmed.